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Kaixo, Arantza Ituarte Mena naiz, Gizarte Hezkuntzako 2. Blog honetan, adin txikikoen kontrako indarkeriaren inguruan informazio ezberdina argitaratzen sahiatu naiz. Nire helburu nagusiena informazio ezberdina ematea. Da Bitakoraren eskumaldean inkesta bat daukazue, bitakora hobetzeko zer egin beharko nukeen adierazteko.
Nobody freak out we have not move. Sunday, December 2, 2007. Nobody freak out we have not moved houses. Although looking at our history we are about due. You all, but we thought our blog address was too hard to tell people. We have wanted to change it to this since we started blogging.
Sunday, December 30, 2012. Amazing, what little blessings they are in our lives! I am now serving in the Primary with all those sweet little spirits so close to Heavenly Father - as the new year approaches, I pray I will find more time for the sacred experiences in life, and the ability to record them! Wednesday, April 13, 2011. Where has the time gone! I have had so much happen to me the past few years, but so much of it seems like a real blur! Tuesday, December 14, 2010. I am trying to look for the sym.
Carat annab meediaagentuuri rollile selles uudses maailmas uue tähenduse. Seda, kuidas meedia võib äritegevuse väärtust suurendada, mõistavad meie inimesed kõigist paremini. Läheme meediasäästudest veelgi kaugemale ja paneme uue ajastu meedia tööle meie klientide äritegevuse väärtuse kasvatamise heaks. Nädalavahetusel sai Caratil täis 18 aastat! Käisime eile koos kollektiiviga.